
🦡 Bot to track badges

View the Project on GitHub SOBotics/Badger


The command list is as follows

alive    - Test to check if the bot is alive or not.
help     - Returns description of the bot.
commands - Returns this list of commands.
track    - Tracks a given badge. 
untrack  - UnTracks a given badge.
tracked  - Returns a list of tracked badges.

The track and the untrack commands are room owner or moderator only. If you want to track a badge, ping a room owner. If they are free, they’ll certainly track the badge for you, but it is all upto their discretion.

Syntax for the track and untrack commands

The syntax of the track command is as follows

@Badger track BadgeID BadgeName

For example

 @Badger track 262 publicist 

The syntax for untrack is similar to track, which is

@Badger untrack BadgeID BadgeName

For example

 @Badger untrack 262 publicist 

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